HAPPY EASTER (you may not be reading this in easter...)
If you don't now what a game easteregg is, let me explain,it is just something hidden in the game (that most of the time falls out of place), most of the times you have to do very specific things so you can find this easteregg, some times thay are funny, some times they are just weird and some times they are creepy (and some times they are a mix of everything)
These are eastereggs that I really like
5- Diablo II - The cow level
This is the only easteregg on this list that I have not played my self but I relly think it is cool
In the game Diablo some people started a rumor that was a level that was full with COWS that try to kill you... and that was just a rumor.
BUT when Diablo II was out the developers of the game made that rumor come true
(I think it is nice to see that some times the game developers really pay atentions to the gamers so they can do this kind of things)
4- GTA:5 - ghost
This one is just creepy
On GTA:5 you just need to go to that one specific hill at 11:00 pm and you wil see it
The interesting part on this one, is that you can find the murderer of this ghost,first you just need to find 50 part of the cards that she left before she was dead, and you will get a "special mission"
3-Crysis 2 - Elevator rave
This one... I don't even now how to explain this one
It is one of the weirdest ones
2-hitman absolution - ice cream van
Ok "Hitman" I tink this one is easy to think what you are suppose to do...( you kill people)
On this level you have a great range of ways to kill your target that is digging his own grave (literally)
But if you kill all the birds that are in the area something unexpectable happens.
1- max payne 3 - The soap opera
The last, and the best (im my opnion)
Max payne is a shotting game, so most of the time you are shotting people.(This game is set im Brazil so you can even shoot people in favelas)
But now and then you find a TV and you can see some news, maybe a comercial,and this particular TV you can see a soap opera, that must be the best soap opera like... ever
You just need to see one episode of "amor e damas" and you will see why is the best *sarcasm*
(It is in portuguese because it is a brazilian soap opera inside the game)