change the way you play - Tchotcho

I will talk about game periferals, those "controlers" that change the way you play.

Fron time to time someone try to create something revolutionary in the game industry,some times they do but some times they fail... but still create  something that is loved in some way by some people.

Light Gun

This one is kind of popular and oldschool, you can play with one of thesse in a lot of shopping malls ( at last all I have been) games like time crisis, house of the deads , jurassic park (yes, there is a jurassic park that you shoot dinos) and there are some "clasics" like duck hunt and wild gunman

The Power Glove

This one is popular with the gamers, is more like a simbol, is one of the "game changers" that did not work very well, not a lot of games were made for The power glove (and the games that were make for it do not work very well) it is strange because you just move your finger in the place of press a button,but still is something that gamers want to have... like a relic

I want one... not to play, just put in a glass box

"Music stuff"

Every body now guitar hero and that plastic guitar that is used to play, and you probaly have seen dancing games in shopping malls.
There is a lot of music games that use some kind of "controler'' to make you fell like are playing that song ( yes you are playing, but you are playing a video game) after guitar came the drums and even keybords, you can really make a small band in your house.
One of my favorits is DJhero, like guitar hero but you are a... DJ, it uses musics that are now, but use then in original mixes, relly good mixes if you ask me,and the controler relly make you fell like a DJ
Then came rocksmith, a game that use A REAL GUITAR to play and a special cabe, this game basically theach you how to play guitar,is good because you can relly learn something... you just need to buy a real guitar