Making my girl a gamer - Tchotcho

OK... I was talking to my girlfriend ( YES! I have a girlfriend  \o/ ) about what I shoud talk in my post, and she said... "ME!".
And then I think must be game related, and "epiphany"(if you don't now google it), the gamer life of my girlfriend
We are dating for more then 2 year now, and some times I have nothing to talk about and when I notice I am talking about games with her,and we talk about games that she used to play, and I say what games I will make her play.


I will say that "BEFORE" is before we start dating.
She used to have a prety normal "game life" starting by the super nintendo, she used to have one (her dad used to have one) but she says the she remember playing games like Super mario, top gear, a poll game, prehistoric man and mortal kombat(she thinks MK2 is the best "classic" mk I think is MK3), and she say that she just remenber some games that she played, so she problably have play some other... she just don't remember, so she was a not a great gamer like me.
Maybe if I show her some classic gamer she will remember... I can do that.


I will say that "NOW" start when star to date.
When I tried to make her a gamer, I start to say to her a lot of games to play, as we only did stay together at shool I give her some games to play on my cellphone that have emulators ( SNES,N64,PS1...ETC) but tha game that she like the most was pokemon RED, on the Game Boy Advance emulator,I fond a rom (a "rom" is a digital copy of a game for emulator) traslated to portuguese because she do not understant english, and she just love the game, the only thinh that she did wrong is how fast she pick charmander.

But look at hin... HES SO THAN CUTE

And now a days we play together all the time, we just finish "never alone"( a co-op plataform game), I dame her start playing The walking dead... but she gets desesperate when the zombies are coming or she needs to make a choise, so now I am making she play "life is strange" is like the walking dead, but no zombies, and you have the power do go back in time, so not she do not stay desesperate because she can just rewind ( but is just a training to play the walking dead later AUHUAHUAH)

And we play some games when we have parties, casual games, like injustice, MK9 , and just dance...
on fighting games, she just keep presing all the buttons and still... she wins most of the times and dancing games... we all have fun that whats metter I am a relly good dancer if you wana now.


I will say that "LATER" is the future... ( make sence )
The trouble for now is that she don't now how to play very well, she just is not good with games that you need to used 2 analog sticks or bouth the mouse and keybord at the same time, but that is just because she not play much as I, and I don't want her to play all the time ( just one addict in games is enough) but with time I will make her better at gaming and find more games for us to play together.

If you have some game sugestion... PLEASE TELL ME IN THE COMENTS :p