Games For NOOB Gamers - TchoTcho

NOOB : A newbie, especially a person who is new to an online community and whose online participation and interactions display a lack of skill or knowledge

OK... you don't play a lot of video games, because you don't have a lot of time and when you play you remember that you are not a very good player... Well, you need to accept that so you may just be a casual gamer,to help you here are some games that you can enjoy even if you are not very good gamer.

Mobile Games

Mobile games are easy (most of then),you can play anywhere and can be RELLY addictive. There are soooo many mobile games that you are doomed to find one that you will want to play every time you have nothing to do and only have your cellphone. You can find ALL the styles of games, from music games to FPS,from puzzle to fighting games.

Some mobile games(and the style) that I enjoy playing : Jatpack Joyride (endless runer), Piano Tiles 2(piano music... of curse), Fruit Ninja (fruit slasher?),trivia crack kingdoms(quiz game), 2048 (puzzle),Trials Frontier (side scroling bike race),Minion Rush (endless runer... with minios *-*).Adventure Xpress(game like candy crush mix with a turn base batle).

Fallout Shelter... I fell that I have to say more abot this game that just his style. Fallout Shelter is a manager game, and you have to manege a undergrond facility for survivors of a nuclear war, you have to put peaple to work, so you can produce energy, water and food. Yopu need to find who is better in what kind of work,level then up and help they "repopulate" the word ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Normally I dont like this kind of game, but this one jus have something SPECIAL, and do not have all the PAY or WAIT that a lot of games of this style have

Party Games

Party Games are games that you are supose to play with a group of friends, it is most likely you CAN play alone, but the best way is to play in a party, or when you have some friends over to your house.The best part of this types of games is: in the end nobody loses (if you play right), because even if you play a competitive party game this type of games are focus on FUN, so you can "turn"any type of game into a party game with you have good friends to play.

Party Games that I like: Mario party (the "party" is in the name), kinect sporst/wii sport(sport games that you play with motion sensors),dance central (for the more "hardcore" dancer).

Just Dance <<<<<< This is the best party game (for me),it is a dance game (if did not notice), it is easy to play, even if you don't now how to dance, just because it is focus on the FUN of dancing, even if you make less points than your friends you can still be a winer if you have FUN (BUT... if you win you have to make sure to make fun of every one,because you are better)

The evolution of portable consoles(Nintendo)

  The first main portable game from Nintendo was the game boy and it was super successful with many famous games on it like :
•The legend of Zelda
   The game boy was what put Nintendo on the market and was in the life of many kids of the 90's.

   As the life spand of the game boy was withering away ,or getting old , the Nintendo Ds was created . The Ds improved the grafics a lot for a portable game and also had many games that are still famous. The Ds has many different types like :
•Ds lite
•Ds XL
•Dsi(which had a camera)

  But the most recent one is the 3Ds which has really good grafics and has 3D with NO glasses .
   Só far the 3Ds is the latest portable game from Nintendo and I personally love it and can't see my self  with out it,that is until a new one comes out .

Yo-kai Watch

  So recently Nintendo launched a new game called Yo-kai Watch. People say that it's a copy of pokemon because it has the same concept,capturing creatures ,using them to battle,save the world,etc. But in my opinion Yo-Kai Watch has nothing to do with Pokemon,
because you capture creatures,like Pokemon,but you don't control their attack, they attack on their own and you only charge their specials and up their health. I don't know everything about 
Yo-Kai Watch because I don't have the game ,but I have seen a lot of videos and can assure you that Yo-Kai Watch and Pokemon have A LOT OF THINGS that make them DIFFERENT one from another.

Top 5 Classic games

   Hello everyone and welcome back to another top five. Today I will be talking about classic games . Now that's done,let's get started.

5)Spyro the dragon 
  This game isn't that famous but I really love his games and always will . Spyro is a little dragon that always has to save someone or somewhere.

4)Street Fighter 
  Street Fighter is a really awesome fighting game and is famous till this day.It has many characters but by far the most famous one is Ryu.

3)Kirby's dream land
  Kirby is a little pink "ball" that has been in many adventures and has been around for a very long time . His main villains is king Dedede . He has been in games where he was made of yarn,clay,Normal,

2)Sonic the hedgehog 
  Sonic is blue hedgehog that has been in many adventures and has recently had a new ,really bad,game. His main villain is Doctor egg man and is always coming up with new gadgets to stop sonic.

1)Pokemon red/blue/green/yellow
    Pokemon is one of my favorite games. It has been around since 2000 and hopefully it's not going away so some. In this game you capture Pokemon to battle other Pokemon and defeat gyms to been the best . The concept sounds boring but the game is super fun .

Nintendo becoming a Universal amusement park - american nintendo boy

     Hello and welcome back to our weekly anything post. It's American Nintendo boy again. Ok so by the title you all ready know about what I am going to talk about today.

  So this is really big news because if you don't know, Universal is a amusement park where they are always looking for new attractions to put in their park. And this time they got Nintendo to make their very own park at universal.
  This is really big because Nintendo has so may games that could make a good amusement park and this is like a dream come true because I LOVE Nintendo and I'm sure that they will make the best park ever.
  But I'm just worried that it will take them a LOOOOOOONG time to make it because a ride usually takes a year to make so imagine them building a whole park like this is going to take forever.But it's better late than never.
 And just to finish things up i would like to give some suggestions as to some games that could become rides:

1)Mario Kart:a real size mario kart would be REALLY cool
2)Any thing related to link:link has many games so they could do whatever they wanted with him
2)Any thing related to Mario: I'm not even going to explain this one.
4)Any Nintendo game because Nintendo is just the BEST.


Top 10 games that could become movie or tv shows

          Hello everyone and welcome back to our weekly top 5, but as you may have already noticed this time it's a top 10. That is because the heart destroyer, Tchotcho and the American Nintendo Boy have joined all  our ideas and made just one big top 10 list. Not in any particular order... because it would take too long for us to decide which one is the bether for the 3 of us. I don't know if this will be permanent but if it is hoppefully you guys like the change. So lets get started.

God of war
     This game has a really emotional and cruel story and I'm sure that many people who don't know his story,will love his story a lot. It's manly about a semi-god that wants to become a god but the other gods want to kill him but the semi-god wants to kill everyone because the gods manipulated him and made him kill his own wife and daughter. Trust me the story of this game is perfect.

Fantasy life
          I have already talked about this game before so I'm not going to talk about it again but this games story is just so cue a has a perfect ending. I love this games story SSSSOOOO much.

Life is strange
       This game is almost already a shown because in this game it's an all story type game and you get to choose what you want to do . This game is in chapters that are released ever month . There are a total of five but only four have been realized so far, but up up until know this games has been perfect and I am certain that the last chapter will be the best finally of a game EVER.

Legend of zelda

This is a good one, the legenda of zelda series are arround since the first nintendo and there is not 1 adaptation. (maybe something fron fans on youtube but nothing oficial fronteira nintendo) there are a lot of zelda games,and all of then just start a new story, so a movie could just be an original story or just use the story of one of the games.

The legend of zelda movie that a can think would be like a lord of the rings movie, not only teling the story of link(the main character,and no Zelda is not the main character in the Zelda games), it would show what other characters are up to. I want to now what zelda are doing while link is runing around trying to save her, maybe tell what are all the 7 sages,because in the game the 7 Sages are 6 random characters and Zelda, só you do not care a lot about the ones there are not Zelda,they need to show more the characters that need to be save. so we would care more for then, that is a movie I would see.

Brutal legends

Brutal legends is almost a game made for be a movie, the main character is JACK BLACK... not relly, the main character is Eddie Riggs and he is voiced by Jack Black, is a story of rodie ( kind of an backstage assistant ) of a "rock" band, and he "dies" and goes to another dimensions where evething is based on ROCK, and there are the groups there are separete by the staly os rock, there is the METAL ( the good guys), the EMO (almost zombies),something of the 90's ( all colerfull) and the list go on.

The brutal legends game that I imagine would be like the movie army of darkness( if you have not seen this movie I totaly recomend you to see it) the music in the game is good,if you like rock you are going to love, if you don't like... You may start,so I would like to see music be as important im the movie as is in the game, music is almost some kind of magic, if you play right you can do almost evething.


Biochock is about a under water city called Rapture that do not work the way it was supose to work ( what could go wrong??? There is not any under water city that dit not work that I now...other than atlântica) when playing the game you are almost in the midle of a civil war in the city, fiding weapons and plasmids, ( plasmids are kind of super power that every one coud buy in the city) and you are just trying to get out of the city.

The movie would not be like any movie I seen, they wold need to do a good triller, with good action and good special efects for the plasmids, and would be reely nice to show how things were before the "war" so we cold se the before and after, what the city shoud be, and what it become. the history of the game is relly good, the only problen in the game is the way it is told, most of the time you have to look for records so you can listen to the story of the people you find, but the things that happen with the portagonist are relly diferent fron any other game or movie, and have THE BEST plot twist of all time... for real.

Alan wake

This game it is already made for be a tv serie, Alan Wake is a writer that after a acident lost his memories about a book that he wrotes, and the pages do this book are lost, when he start to find the pages he notice that everything that he wrote is hapenning... for real. I supose that could be a good thing... if he had not write a psychological action thriller.


A good horror game, that would be a good horror movie, does not have a story, at least is not clear, that would give a good place to put some charapter, thay only have to take some people and put in the woods... and the slender-man,hen people start dying, they may give some back story to the slender-man.
Would be relly nice a movie in the same style, as paranormal activity, that kind of found fotage mouvie, that is almost used too much in movies now a days

Metal Gear Solid

Metal gear solid is a game that is well known by the gamer for the robust history (to not say complicate) that have a lot of great moments. it would be a spy movie,but if they make a series of movies about this one, would be interesting to see how they use the story of the games, because every game have a very diferent "tone" so all the movies would be relly diferent.
Or they could just fill the spaces there are between the games... becase there are a lot

Grand Theft Auto

Well known by GTA, this games series would fite in a movie/series they can make a full action movie/comedy/races/cop/everything. every time a new GTA game comes out it have a good story, and amazing characters that you will love (or hate) and as in each game there is a new character ( or characterS ). So they can even make a movie using a story of one game fronteira the series, or just do a new story, using some elements of the games, that would give a relly cool story.

My Top 5 Best Video Game Stories - american nintendo boy

     Hello everyone and welcome back to another top 5. Today I am going to talk about best stories. Just so you know it's not going to be just Nintendo games. So now that that is done let's get started.

5-Super Metroid
    In this game you play as Samus a space bounty hunter. And you, the player,thinks that she is a he during the whole game. You only find out the she is a girl at the end credits where she takes off in her plane and takes of her armor that she uses during the whole story. But this story is real good because in the last game you try to kill this enemy called Metroid who everyone thinks is bad except you and you end up not killing it and letting it free. In this game you have to defeat an enemy called motherbrain and you almost kill her but she gets all crazy and ends up killing you BUT suddenly the Metroid which you saved in the last game comes back,takes away Motherbrains powers and gives it to you BUT in the end when you are fully charged the Metroud explodes. This is a really sad ending but at least we were right in saving the Metrid. And Metroid will always be remembered in my little gamer heart.

4-God of war
      In this game you play as a god named Kratos which is trying to become the god of war but the other gods don't like you so you have to kill them all. But as you kill them the world just becomes worse and worse. For example when you kill Poseidon the ocean becomes all crazy and out off control. In the end you have succeeded in killing all the gods but now the world is impossible to live in so you kill yourself. Yes,after all that time that you spent killing the gods and etc you just kill yourself. This ending I find so stopped but what I really liked was that the last god you killed is Zeus and you have to punch him for over a minute. OMG my O button finger hurt a lot after that battle. 

3-Pokemon X and Y                                                                                               ' In this game you have to stop a team of villains called team flare. There leader wants to kill all people that live because he thinks that people are the meaning of way some pokemon are bad and that we are enslaving them. But even he has pokemon so he is kind of enslaving them as well. This game's story is just so different from the other pokemon games because it's just really deep,has a lot of cool characters and a lot of back story.


2-The walking dead
  In this game you can make choices that will change what will happen in the future and that's what really makes this game fun. You,the player, are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and trying to survive and take care of this little girl who is looking for here parents. You are in a group and there will be many times where you have to make hard decisions and many times what you think will happen ends-up happening a way you never imagined happening. This game is really fast paced and is really good.

1-Fantasy Life
     In this game you have many "lives"(there are kind os like skills)from which to pick and you can change at any moment in the game. In this story you meet a butterfly which is collecting wishes and you don't now why but you still help her. And later in the game you find out that she is actually daughter from a god which made the planet that every one lives on and she is collecting wishes because everybody in this word stopped making wishes and what protects and makes this world not drown in  endless darkness in wishes. This is a very popular game in america and I know that you will love it if you give it a try. Just so you know in less than a week I have played over 60 hours. I don't know if I'm in love or if I'm addicted.

Making my girl a gamer - Tchotcho

OK... I was talking to my girlfriend ( YES! I have a girlfriend  \o/ ) about what I shoud talk in my post, and she said... "ME!".
And then I think must be game related, and "epiphany"(if you don't now google it), the gamer life of my girlfriend
We are dating for more then 2 year now, and some times I have nothing to talk about and when I notice I am talking about games with her,and we talk about games that she used to play, and I say what games I will make her play.


I will say that "BEFORE" is before we start dating.
She used to have a prety normal "game life" starting by the super nintendo, she used to have one (her dad used to have one) but she says the she remember playing games like Super mario, top gear, a poll game, prehistoric man and mortal kombat(she thinks MK2 is the best "classic" mk I think is MK3), and she say that she just remenber some games that she played, so she problably have play some other... she just don't remember, so she was a not a great gamer like me.
Maybe if I show her some classic gamer she will remember... I can do that.


I will say that "NOW" start when star to date.
When I tried to make her a gamer, I start to say to her a lot of games to play, as we only did stay together at shool I give her some games to play on my cellphone that have emulators ( SNES,N64,PS1...ETC) but tha game that she like the most was pokemon RED, on the Game Boy Advance emulator,I fond a rom (a "rom" is a digital copy of a game for emulator) traslated to portuguese because she do not understant english, and she just love the game, the only thinh that she did wrong is how fast she pick charmander.

But look at hin... HES SO THAN CUTE

And now a days we play together all the time, we just finish "never alone"( a co-op plataform game), I dame her start playing The walking dead... but she gets desesperate when the zombies are coming or she needs to make a choise, so now I am making she play "life is strange" is like the walking dead, but no zombies, and you have the power do go back in time, so not she do not stay desesperate because she can just rewind ( but is just a training to play the walking dead later AUHUAHUAH)

And we play some games when we have parties, casual games, like injustice, MK9 , and just dance...
on fighting games, she just keep presing all the buttons and still... she wins most of the times and dancing games... we all have fun that whats metter I am a relly good dancer if you wana now.


I will say that "LATER" is the future... ( make sence )
The trouble for now is that she don't now how to play very well, she just is not good with games that you need to used 2 analog sticks or bouth the mouse and keybord at the same time, but that is just because she not play much as I, and I don't want her to play all the time ( just one addict in games is enough) but with time I will make her better at gaming and find more games for us to play together.

If you have some game sugestion... PLEASE TELL ME IN THE COMENTS :p

QUIZ #1 (nintendo edition)

  Hello everyone and welcome back,it's American nintendo boy. Today I would like to try something new,a QUIZ. I was originaly going to do it about all game franchises but then I was like:My name has Nintendo in it and I don't know anything about other franchises so I'm going to do a Nintendo quiz. And maybe in the future the others may make other quizzes. So now that that is settled,let's get started.

1-What is Nintendos most populart charecter?

2-Who was Ash's first pokemon?

3-How many Mario Karts exist.

4-What is the name of Mario's "horse"?

5-What is the name of link's horse?

6-What is the name of the Princess in Mario?
C-She has no name

7-What is the name of the princess in the legend os Zelda?
D-She has many names

8-What is the name of the main villain in Kirby.
A-Paint dude
C-King dedede
D-Meta Knight

9-What are the name of the first three starter pokemon in the second reagion of pokemon?

10-What is the name of the weapon used by Shulk in Xenoblade Chronicles?
D-Pointy knife

11-What has Mario not done yet?
D-Sword fighting

12-When was pokemon the anime relised in America?

13-When did Nintendo start making games?

14-What is the name of the "Nintendo amusement park" game.
A-Nintendo park
B-Nintendo land
C-Nintendo world
D-There is no "Nintendo amusement park" game

15-What color is Yoshi?
D-All the above and more.



So hopefully you guys liked this little quiz and who know's maybe in the future I could make a part 2.