Oculus Rift - American nintendo boy

 Ok so before we start hello it's American Nintendo Boy again and I wanted to inform to whom ever my be reading our blogs today and hopefully every week we are starting a weekly anything post,which Me,tchotcho or the Heart Destroyer are going to take turns talking about whatever we want(obviously it has to do with games)and we are still working out a specific day of the week for this type of post and don't worry when we figure out the day of the week I will diffidently Inform you guys and don't worry we are still going to make our Top 5....every friday.So let's get started

So by the title you may already know about what Ia m going to talk about,the Oculus Rift.The Oculus is a type of "virtual glasses" where you put a big "glasses" on your face and you see and feel like your in a game(so far only games but they are working on movies,netflix,and many other things)and it is really cool. One of the major problems of the Oculus is that it makes most of the people using it noxious but they are working on making it less noxious.


The Oculos so far isn't really being sold to any "normal" people because they want advertisement so only youtubers and people who advertise them can by one but there has been confirmed a "home"Oculos that any buddy can buy and will start being sold in December 2015 and will be delivered to the persons house in February 2016.

And there are many companies that are trying to make there own Oculos like Microsoft,Apple,Samsung,etc but have not been realesed any release dates for any of them but they sayed when it does come out there version of the Oculus will be far superior to the Oculos Rift

The Oculus is also believed to later in the future be used by doctors,dentists,sculptors,etc to x-ray somebody,to look inside some ones mouth,to see what the person sculpting wants to sculpt and just copy what he is seeing,etc

So to rap things up the Oculos is a pair of "virtual reality" glasses that is going to be inproved by other companies and that has a lot of things that it can do but can't do just yet.And to finish this post her are some videos of crazy reactions people had with the oculos and some examples of what the Oculus can do so far.