Top 5 best villains - American Nintendo Boy

Hello every one,it's American Nintendo Boy,hoppfully you all are doing fine today. So todays top five is going to be about villains and just so you I triyed to make this not only Nintendo villains but....I couldn't do it ;( But that's why my name is Nintendo boy. So let's get started.

5-Metal Face-Xenoblade Chronicles

Metal Face is a villain from the Xenoblade Chronicles series were you are a normal kid but you have the monado,the strongest weapon in this world,and you have to save your world from the mechon (big alien robots)attacks and Metal Face is the strongest of them all. He is called Metal Face because he has a little Metal face and is the only mechon to have a face.


4-Ganondorf-The legend of Zelda series

Ganondorf is villain  from The Legend of Zelda series.He doesn't really apere that often but when he does he usually comes in with a big dark horse and with all black clothes. He will do any thing to get in Links(the hero in this game)way and to defeat him. Ganondorf is so strong that he actually killed link in a game but that game was in the future so Link is still alive and and concurring many challenges and defeating many foes. 


3-Ridley-The Metroid series

Ridley is the main villain fro The Metroid series. He is a big bird that looks like a big Pterodactyl in decomposition. He almost always appears in a Samus's(the main hero in this game)way trying to stop her from doing whatever she may be doing. Ridley supposedly died 4 timed already by lava,normal guns,a huge explosion and an even bigger explosion but he always comes back with a different from.


2-King Dedede-Kirby series

King Dedede is a villain from the Kirby series. He is basically a big fat king penguin and always tries to stop what ever Kirby(a little pink ball of Cute!!!!)is trying to do. King Dedede isn't at all serious, he is actually one of the non-villain like villains i know and he is so non-villain like that there are specific games were he actually helps Kirby instead of trying to defeat him.


1-Bowser-The Super Mario Bros. series

If you are a living person and can breath you I bet you know who Bowser is. But if you some how don't know who he is let me explain. Bowser is the villain from The Super Mario Bros. series. He is basically a big turtle with spikes coming out from it's shell. He appears in almost every single Mario game and almost always captures princess Peach(Mario's Princess and ruler of the mushroom kingdom). He always falls in lava and dies but always comes back in the next game to try to stop us but he never succeeds and never will.


So that was my personal top 5 villains if your top villain wasn't on this list don't get made because they could possible be in the other two top 5 villains that will also be posted.And if their still not there be sure to leave your opinion in the comments below.