QUIZ #1 (nintendo edition)

  Hello everyone and welcome back,it's American nintendo boy. Today I would like to try something new,a QUIZ. I was originaly going to do it about all game franchises but then I was like:My name has Nintendo in it and I don't know anything about other franchises so I'm going to do a Nintendo quiz. And maybe in the future the others may make other quizzes. So now that that is settled,let's get started.

1-What is Nintendos most populart charecter?

2-Who was Ash's first pokemon?

3-How many Mario Karts exist.

4-What is the name of Mario's "horse"?

5-What is the name of link's horse?

6-What is the name of the Princess in Mario?
C-She has no name

7-What is the name of the princess in the legend os Zelda?
D-She has many names

8-What is the name of the main villain in Kirby.
A-Paint dude
C-King dedede
D-Meta Knight

9-What are the name of the first three starter pokemon in the second reagion of pokemon?

10-What is the name of the weapon used by Shulk in Xenoblade Chronicles?
D-Pointy knife

11-What has Mario not done yet?
D-Sword fighting

12-When was pokemon the anime relised in America?

13-When did Nintendo start making games?

14-What is the name of the "Nintendo amusement park" game.
A-Nintendo park
B-Nintendo land
C-Nintendo world
D-There is no "Nintendo amusement park" game

15-What color is Yoshi?
D-All the above and more.



So hopefully you guys liked this little quiz and who know's maybe in the future I could make a part 2.

The Arrow - HeartBreaker

For this all past days we have talked about games and everything that involves it, but today is a special day, and i, the heartbreaker gonna talk about, THE ARROW.
 It's just a suggestion for you that is a couch potato or a mouse potato and are always lazy about doing something new, or even go to the gym, keep your body healthy. haha'

The arrow comes from the HQs and eventually can become a great game, the first games are based on HQs, based on something that have already existed.

The serie, The Arrow, talks about Oliver Queen that suffered an accident on his father's boat  and passed the last 5 years in an island. He leraned  a lot of things in there, and his father leaves him with only one goal, to right his wrongs, and to do that he has to become someone else, something else.

The serie is actually finished, with just 3 seasons, but man, if you like action, drama, heroes, romance and people diyng, you must see it, it's just amazing.

Hope you enjoy seeing The Arrow, and enter on his entire world.

change the way you play - Tchotcho

I will talk about game periferals, those "controlers" that change the way you play.

Fron time to time someone try to create something revolutionary in the game industry,some times they do but some times they fail... but still create  something that is loved in some way by some people.

Light Gun

This one is kind of popular and oldschool, you can play with one of thesse in a lot of shopping malls ( at last all I have been) games like time crisis, house of the deads , jurassic park (yes, there is a jurassic park that you shoot dinos) and there are some "clasics" like duck hunt and wild gunman

The Power Glove

This one is popular with the gamers, is more like a simbol, is one of the "game changers" that did not work very well, not a lot of games were made for The power glove (and the games that were make for it do not work very well) it is strange because you just move your finger in the place of press a button,but still is something that gamers want to have... like a relic

I want one... not to play, just put in a glass box

"Music stuff"

Every body now guitar hero and that plastic guitar that is used to play, and you probaly have seen dancing games in shopping malls.
There is a lot of music games that use some kind of "controler'' to make you fell like are playing that song ( yes you are playing, but you are playing a video game) after guitar came the drums and even keybords, you can really make a small band in your house.
One of my favorits is DJhero, like guitar hero but you are a... DJ, it uses musics that are now, but use then in original mixes, relly good mixes if you ask me,and the controler relly make you fell like a DJ
Then came rocksmith, a game that use A REAL GUITAR to play and a special cabe, this game basically theach you how to play guitar,is good because you can relly learn something... you just need to buy a real guitar

Top 5 Main Characters-American Nintendo Boy


Hello everyone and welcome back to another top 5. Todays top five is going to be about main video game characters. As always I tried not to put just Nintendo characters but I did not succeed. So after all that,let's get started.

5-Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong is basically a big gorilla totaly not king-kong.He first started as that gorilla that most people know about and that is the one that use to throw barrels at Mario. But was in the past and now he even has his own series called: Donkey Kong Country were you and your friend/brother/son/cousin/? Diddy Kong(It has not been specified what Diddy Kong is to Donkey Kong but there is a lot of fan based stories about this subject)have to save this Island from Tiki Tak Tribe (the main villain) who is doing a lot of bad things to this island and stealing the bananas.


Pit is an angel from the Kid Icarus series.He is Paultena's(the goddess from this game)most loyal servant and the leader of her royal bodyguard,the Icarus army. He doesn't have that much that much to talk about because he isn't that popular but his game's are really fast paced,have good storys,good characters and all out is just a lot of fun.


Link is from the Legend of Zelda series.He is a very popular Nintendo character and has a lot of story. His main enemy is Ganondorf(if you want to know more about him read my last top 5) but he barely appears in the Zelda series. In most of links games he is trying to save his home kingdom Hyrule or save the princess Zelda. He is a "normal" boy but can do a lot of things that "normal" boys can't do.


Kirby is from the Kirby series. He basically a little pink ball and is really cute. He is a very popular and loved Nitendo character. Most of his games have totally different stories from one to another so I can't really explain his stories but in most of them he is or trying to defeat King Dedede(if you want to know more about him read my last top 5)or save King Dedede. And Kirby has passed by many game designs like clay,wool,3D,2D,etc. Kirby is manly know for his ability to suck up enemy and take there power.


I think most of you saw this one coming. Mario is from the Mario series. He is one of Nintendos most famous and loved characters. In most of his games you have to pass a lot of levels and in the end kill bowser(if you want to know more about him read my last top 5)and save princess Peach(the princess in this game).Mario has a lot of secondary games like Mario golf,Mario kart,Mario party,Mario power tennis,Mario superstar baseball,etc.

TOP 5 BAD GUYS - Tchotcho

Hello people of my heart!!! It is me Tchotcho with one more top 5, this time the best bad guys, but not just regular bad guys, only the bests bad guys.
It is hard to chose bad guys, because some times you start to like them and if you like a bad guy.Things get complicatedd.
So this list is not just who is the "more bad", it will be about who is the one who is bad but you still kind of like him... for some reason.

5- Shao Kahn

This one is just a cliche villian, big guy, loots of muscle, deep voice and wants to rule the word.
When you figth this one, you will have a hard time to win ( if you do not put the game on easy mode) because he some times just ignores your hits.
And even if you are not a gamer you have listened to his voice


Everybody know this one, but not every one knows that he is a villan... Kind of... I say kind of because the good guy in this game is kind of a anti-hero, so the villain of a anti-hero is a anti-villan? I don't now but this is one nice villan  to kill


This guy... is a real cool loking guy, with a cool looking sword ( just a litle big ). You really start to HATE this one for a lot of things he does in the game, he almost destroys the world( of course you stop him) and he kills one of your party members in one of the saddest moments ( maybe THE saddest in the history of gaming) and is just one guy that you can't forget very easily

2- VAS

Did I ever tell you the definition of INSANITY?
THIS BAD GUY, surely the craziest of the list.
You now when I said that some times you just start to like the bad guy?... I was talking about this guy.
He kidnaps you and your friends, shots your brother in the neck (and he dies)and throws you in a forest full of wild animals... 15 min in the game.
And every time he finds you in the game, you like him a litle more...specialy the part that he ties you to a big rock and throws you in a hole to die.


MY NUMBER ONE BAD GUY... it's not a guy, not even a human.
Glados is a A.I. (Artificil Inteligence) that was created by scientists to help them do some tests, but she killed her creators ( like every good A.I. ) and desides that she would do the tests by "it" self.
the only thing she needs are some subjects, and thats when the player comes,in the game PORTAL you are only a subject of Glados, and she test and makes fun of you the whole game, and in the second game she even kind of is your friend (for the second half of the game... when she is turn into a potato)

Top 5 best villains - American Nintendo Boy

Hello every one,it's American Nintendo Boy,hoppfully you all are doing fine today. So todays top five is going to be about villains and just so you I triyed to make this not only Nintendo villains but....I couldn't do it ;( But that's why my name is Nintendo boy. So let's get started.

5-Metal Face-Xenoblade Chronicles

Metal Face is a villain from the Xenoblade Chronicles series were you are a normal kid but you have the monado,the strongest weapon in this world,and you have to save your world from the mechon (big alien robots)attacks and Metal Face is the strongest of them all. He is called Metal Face because he has a little Metal face and is the only mechon to have a face.


4-Ganondorf-The legend of Zelda series

Ganondorf is villain  from The Legend of Zelda series.He doesn't really apere that often but when he does he usually comes in with a big dark horse and with all black clothes. He will do any thing to get in Links(the hero in this game)way and to defeat him. Ganondorf is so strong that he actually killed link in a game but that game was in the future so Link is still alive and and concurring many challenges and defeating many foes. 


3-Ridley-The Metroid series

Ridley is the main villain fro The Metroid series. He is a big bird that looks like a big Pterodactyl in decomposition. He almost always appears in a Samus's(the main hero in this game)way trying to stop her from doing whatever she may be doing. Ridley supposedly died 4 timed already by lava,normal guns,a huge explosion and an even bigger explosion but he always comes back with a different from.


2-King Dedede-Kirby series

King Dedede is a villain from the Kirby series. He is basically a big fat king penguin and always tries to stop what ever Kirby(a little pink ball of Cute!!!!)is trying to do. King Dedede isn't at all serious, he is actually one of the non-villain like villains i know and he is so non-villain like that there are specific games were he actually helps Kirby instead of trying to defeat him.


1-Bowser-The Super Mario Bros. series

If you are a living person and can breath you I bet you know who Bowser is. But if you some how don't know who he is let me explain. Bowser is the villain from The Super Mario Bros. series. He is basically a big turtle with spikes coming out from it's shell. He appears in almost every single Mario game and almost always captures princess Peach(Mario's Princess and ruler of the mushroom kingdom). He always falls in lava and dies but always comes back in the next game to try to stop us but he never succeeds and never will.


So that was my personal top 5 villains if your top villain wasn't on this list don't get made because they could possible be in the other two top 5 villains that will also be posted.And if their still not there be sure to leave your opinion in the comments below.

Oculus Rift - American nintendo boy

 Ok so before we start hello it's American Nintendo Boy again and I wanted to inform to whom ever my be reading our blogs today and hopefully every week we are starting a weekly anything post,which Me,tchotcho or the Heart Destroyer are going to take turns talking about whatever we want(obviously it has to do with games)and we are still working out a specific day of the week for this type of post and don't worry when we figure out the day of the week I will diffidently Inform you guys and don't worry we are still going to make our Top 5....every friday.So let's get started

So by the title you may already know about what Ia m going to talk about,the Oculus Rift.The Oculus is a type of "virtual glasses" where you put a big "glasses" on your face and you see and feel like your in a game(so far only games but they are working on movies,netflix,and many other things)and it is really cool. One of the major problems of the Oculus is that it makes most of the people using it noxious but they are working on making it less noxious.


The Oculos so far isn't really being sold to any "normal" people because they want advertisement so only youtubers and people who advertise them can by one but there has been confirmed a "home"Oculos that any buddy can buy and will start being sold in December 2015 and will be delivered to the persons house in February 2016.

And there are many companies that are trying to make there own Oculos like Microsoft,Apple,Samsung,etc but have not been realesed any release dates for any of them but they sayed when it does come out there version of the Oculus will be far superior to the Oculos Rift

The Oculus is also believed to later in the future be used by doctors,dentists,sculptors,etc to x-ray somebody,to look inside some ones mouth,to see what the person sculpting wants to sculpt and just copy what he is seeing,etc

So to rap things up the Oculos is a pair of "virtual reality" glasses that is going to be inproved by other companies and that has a lot of things that it can do but can't do just yet.And to finish this post her are some videos of crazy reactions people had with the oculos and some examples of what the Oculus can do so far.